Apple Valley Foods US

We Make Delicious, Award-Winning, World Class Pies

One Minute Message-The hidden secrets on building trust at work and why it matters to your success

It is impossible to build a successful career, move up, and achieve the goals of increased pay and greater responsibility without building trust with the people you work with. As part of the Harlan Foods' family of companies, our team at Apple Valley Foods US understands that to be a…

It is impossible to build a successful career, move up, and achieve the goals of increased pay and greater responsibility without building trust with the people you work with.

As part of the Harlan Foods’ family of companies, our team at Apple Valley Foods US understands that to be a valuable part of a large and successful team, we have to build trust.

For a company to be trustworthy, each employee must work to build trust.  That’s right, trust begins with yourself.  To be successful in your career, you have to trust yourself to do the right thing at all times.  You have to build a foundation of trust with your team members and also with your superiors and managers.  Trusting in yourself and having others trust you isn’t hard.  It just takes a few things to make this happen but trust only comes when you do these things consistently.

In this post, we look back at one of Harlan Foods previous One Minute Messages which focuses on how to build trust.  We share some surprising facts about the importance of trust and in the video link below, we share the some of the secrets to successfully building trust, which are the foundation for career success, upward mobility and job satisfaction.

Here are some interesting facts on the importance of trust in the workplace…We want to share these trust building secrets so you can succeed and increase your success no matter where you work.  Or, if you are looking for a new job or career where you can grow and move up faster, we want to offer you something to think about when considering a new workplace.

Did you know that:

  • Workplaces where surveyed employees have low levels of trust in their team members or management have, on average, over double the number of safety incidents over workplaces where there are high levels of employee trust.
  • Workplaces where surveyed employees have low levels of trust in their team members or management have 3x the turnover over workplaces where employees indicate high levels of trust.
  • Companies with high levels of trust tend to promote from within much more frequently than companies that don’t.
  • Companies where employees have a high levels of trust in one another also indicate high levels of job satisfaction.

Our team created this video to help everyone understand the importance of trust and how to easily develop this with your work place team members, no matter whether you work at Apple Valley Foods, Harlan Foods or somewhere else we knew this message was important, so we want to share it with everyone.

Our leadership team believes that everyone should enjoy a workplace where mutual respect, trust, safety, quality, respect for diversity and career growth are part of our daily activities and goals.  We also want our employees to work in a place where all employees can have fun, thrive and grow.

Click here to check out our One Minute Message video on the simple but secret things you need to know to build trust and move up in your career faster.

Our entire team here at both Harlan Foods and here at Apple Valley Foods US works hard every single day to create a workplace where every employee feels valuable and can succeed in achieving their personal and professional goals.

We know it is important to create an environment where all of our employees can thrive, build self confidence and construct a strong foundation of trust and respect with everyone they work with.

If trusting yourself, growing and succeeding in your career is something you a would like to experience more of, then consider joining our team of Food Manufacturing Professionals.

Interested in building a success?  We can help you supercharge your skills and abilities, turning them into career and pay growth.  Click here and get started today!

Pie Pride in Houston

Last month our Apple Valley Foods U.S. team, along with our Canadian sister company, Apple Valley Foods and our parent organization, Harlan Foods presented our very best at North America's largest Bakery, Dairy and Deli (IDDBA) trade show. This year, the IDDBA show was held in Houston, Texas.  Some of…

Last month our Apple Valley Foods U.S. team, along with our Canadian sister company, Apple Valley Foods and our parent organization, Harlan Foods presented our very best at North America’s largest Bakery, Dairy and Deli (IDDBA) trade show.

This year, the IDDBA show was held in Houston, Texas.  Some of the largest retailers, who we, as well as Apple Valley Foods Canada and Harlan Foods, sell product to were in attendance.

Hundreds of manufacturers, like us, spend months preparing for this show in order to attract the attention, and the business, of these recognized retail brands.  Performing well at these shows can make or break a manufacturer’s reputation and also impact business for the coming year.

Paying attention to every detail and making sure that each product and product sample made available at the show attendees to inspect and try is perfect.  The level of competition is to high to make a single product mistake.

However, this year like many previous years, our group had an advantage.  Only a few months before the June IDDBA show, we also participate in the American Pie Council’s National Pie Competition (APC).  The pies our teams make compete alongside pies from global companies as well as small artisan bakeries.  At the APC pie contest, the competition is every bit as high as at IDDBA.

Fortunately, our Food Manufacturing Professionals across North America, including our Chaska team, is used to performance under pressure-and winning.  At the APC this year, our group won more first place blue ribbons for our pies than any other competitor.  And, for the fourth year in a row, our team set a record in the number of Blue Ribbons awarded, across ALL participant categories!

In 2024, we set a new record with 27 First Place Blue Ribbons!

Proudly showcasing the 27 Blue Ribbons we were awarded in 2024

Each year we take our blue ribbons, along with the winning pies, to the IDDBA show along with the wide variety of products our companies manufacture.  This year, that ranged from bagels to organic granola to delicious muffins and even fresh baked cookies!

We also brought some of our newest products including a new line of pretzel snack products, a line of shelf stable cream pies, our iconic, fresh and frozen fruit pies.

Did you know we own our own orchards in Canada?  It’s true! And, is part of how we ensure delivery of the best quality pies in North America.

At IDDBA this year, we also came with a new spin on an old favorite pie.  We brought to the show a dinner pie to compliment our many dessert pies!  That’s right, we were excited to debut a show favorite, our savory Chicken Pot Pie!

Healthy Homemade Chicken Pot Pie with Sauce and Peas

Here at Apple Valley Foods U.S. we know pie.  We live pie.  We love pie.  We are really good at making pies.

Our professionals are some of the most committed and talented food manufacturers in North America.  Our success at APC, IDDBA, as well as, our continued growth and expansion is proof of that.

It isn’t just the quality ingredients and talent that makes our team here in Minnesota special.  It’s the culture we are building that sits upon our three guiding Mission Pillars; Integrity, Quality & Customer Service.

Building a culture of respect, trust, communication, teamwork, professionalism and pride in the tasks we undertake every day allows us to continue to raise the bar in performance…and First Place Blue Ribbons every year.

If you are interested in becoming part of our well paid, award-winning team, then drop us a line here to get started.

Keep in mind though, we have worked hard to build our reputation and are looking to hire only the best!

If that is you, then click here!

Pie is why the phrase
'Save the Best
for Last'
was created


Pies can be traced back to 6000 BC.

There’s a town called Pie Town in New Mexico, USA.

Approximately 186 million pies are sold in grocery stores alone in one year.

The first pie recipe was published by the Romans.

If you were to stack the pies that Apple Valley Foods Canada and the US makes each day it would extend 10 miles into outer space.

Apple Valley Foods has won more per-show first place blue ribbons in the last five years than any other commercial or retailer pie manufacturer at the National Pie Championship.

We own our own apple orchards and press our own fruit juice.

We are STILL family owned and run.

Making America's Favorite Pies Requires Innovation, Commitment to Excellence & the
Very Best Talent