We Make Delicious, Award-Winning, World Class Pies

Corporate Responsibility & Greenhouse Gas Management
Apple Valley Foods operates facilities in the United States and also Canada. Both our Canadian and our American operations take sustainability and our impact the environment very seriously.
As our operations generate performance reports, we will publish this information publicly so that the results are available to consumers, our retail customers, as well as regulating and governmental bodies in both the United States and Canada.
Look for new Corporate Responsibility sections being added in the very near future to both the Apple Valley Foods Canadian and Apple Valley Foods US, United States websites, where U.S. and Canadian reporting information will be located and archived.
US Information will be located here at applevalleyfoodsus.com
Canadian information will be located at applevalleyfoods.com
Manufacturing is a major contributor to global warming and food manufacturers are not exempt from this. While we take great pride in manufacturing the finest, safest and most nutritious, value driven products possible, we take an equal measure of pride in doing absolutely everything in our power to minimize the amount of greenhouse gasses our organization.
Our efforts at Apple Valley Foods Canada and also at Apple Valley Foods US include investment in new more efficient equipment, responsible emission management, the use of state of the art technology to manage, measure and control byproducts from the manufacturing process. Both our Apple Valley Foods Canadian and American teams understand that investing in equipment isn’t enough.
It is important for every one of our Food Manufacturing professionals to understand the importance of minimizing Greenhouse gasses, receive proper compliance training and education of the importance of achieving cleaner manufacturing with our employees, partners and vendors.
Reporting Location:
Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada
In 2023, Apple Valley Foods, Inc.(Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada)created a tracker for Scope 1 and Scope 2 inventory and began to calculate GHG emissions.
In 2024, Apple Valley Foods Inc. formed an Energy Management Team within this same production group to focus on delivering strategic energy management projects to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions.
To live up to our promise of excellence and corporate responsibility, as well as, transparency, we are attaching our most recent GHG (greenhouse gas) report.
To view, the GHG report results for Apple Valley Foods, Inc., Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada, simply click the below link.
AVF Kentville Site Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report Nov 2024

September’s Professional Spotlight
Apple Valley Foods US is part of the Harlan Foods’ family of companies. Together, we provide more than 2 in 10 Americans with the food products they love to enjoy at mealtime and get-togethers each week.
Harlan Foods success comes from a reputation for quality, consistency and innovation. Our mission pillars are what we, as Food Manufacturing Professionals, live by each day.
Integrity, Quality and Customer Service.
However, our reputation and our ability to live up to the quality standards our customers expect is driven by one thing. Our people.
Harlan Foods, and Apple Valley Foods US believe in promoting from within. Why is this so important to us?
It is simple. Employees who have been with our company for an extended period are committed to being a professional. They have gained the knowledge, skills, know how, as well as, the critical training and Professional Certifications necessary for Harlan Foods and Apple Valley Foods US to deliver the very best. One product at a time.
Most of our senior production team leaders have worked their way up from entry level positions. And, many of them have risen through the ranks in a very short period of time.
Take Ana. She is the focus of September’s Professional Spotlight. Four years ago, Ana was a brand new employee, who spoke no English. She was shy and reserved. She was an entry level production employee with no prior food manufacturing experience and no leadership training or experience.
These facts didn’t hold Ana back. Instead, they motivated her! In four years, Ana has mastered English, has received four promotions and pay raises. She is a S.A.F.E. (Standards Based, Accountability Driven, Food Excellence) Certified Food Professional, and Ana now leads an entire shift at one of our state of the art food manufacturing facilities.
Ana is now responsible for the production of every single product and every single production employee during that shift! And, if you ask Ana, she is just getting started!
Click here to check out Ana’s story of growth and success.
Like what you see? Click here to get started with Harlan Foods and Apple Valley Foods US today and begin writing your own success story. Who knows? You could be a future Professional Spotlight star!
Pie is why the phrase
'Save the Best
for Last'
was created
Pies can be traced back to 6000 BC.
There’s a town called Pie Town in New Mexico, USA.
Approximately 186 million pies are sold in grocery stores alone in one year.
The first pie recipe was published by the Romans.
If you were to stack the pies that Apple Valley Foods Canada and the US makes each day it would extend 10 miles into outer space.
Apple Valley Foods has won more per-show first place blue ribbons in the last five years than any other commercial or retailer pie manufacturer at the National Pie Championship.
We own our own apple orchards and press our own fruit juice.
We are STILL family owned and run.
We are a Winning Team
Our Canadian sister company, Apple Valley Foods Canada, along with our parent company Harlan Foods holds the record for the most first place blue ribbons at The American Pie Council’s National Championship.
Many of the pie crusts for these delicious, award winning and sought after pies are made right here by Apple Valley Foods US.
Our Certified Food Manufacturing Professionals are proud to lead the industry in safe, quality and delicious food production.
Did you know that as part of Harlan Foods, our companies produce the food products that over 2 in 10 Americans enjoy every single week at meal and snack time?
We are proud to live up to such an important responsibility every day, delivering the best food products available.
Check out some of the winning Blue Ribbon pies we make below!

Making America's Favorite Pies Requires Innovation, Commitment to Excellence & the
Very Best Talent
One Minute Message
Each month one of our Food Manufacturing Professionals is selected to help us deliver our One Minute Message. Each professional is selected based on their attitude, commitment to excellence and our company’s mission as well as how they approach their role as a Certified Food Professional.
Our company has developed a proprietary program for professional growth and career success called S.A.F.E.. This stands for Standards Based, Accountability Driven, Food Excellence. Each team member goes through a minimum of two certifications, each of which comes with a pay raise upon certification! The S.A.F.E. program helps our team members excel and grow as professionals. The One Minute Message helps to educate what is important and to showcase the knowledge and passion our team members deliver to their roles every day.
Professional Spotlight
Each month, along with our One Minute Message, one of our Certified Food Professionals is selected to tell their personal story of success. Our professionals have worked hard and have invested in their own success and professional growth. The result of their commitment and effort is upward mobility-promotions, raises and increased responsibility. Our company is proud to hire and promote from within our team. Our best and most successful leaders start out in entry level roles. Each spotlight tells one of their stories. We hope their success inspires you!
If you are interested in a more rewarding career and being in the Professional Spotlight yourself, apply for a position today!
Just click on the link below!